AP setup reference guide: The clerk role

Learn about the role of Clerk in BILL AP/AR.

Table of contents

BILL offers pre-defined roles, allowing various levels of accessibility and control for firms and their clients.

A user with the role of Clerk can enter and update bills and vendors.

Processing documents

To do list

When you log in, your to do list will show documents that are ready for you to process. Click the link in the to do list to process the documents.

  1. Emailed to BILL inbox email address
  2. Submitted via mobile app
  3. Uploaded into BILL manually

Uploading bills to the inbox

To upload a bill, go to Inbox and select Enter a Bill from the left-hand navigation or Upload from the top, right-hand corner.

Processing documents in the Inbox

In your inbox, you have several options for processing a document depending on your requirements. 

Clerk can create these new items: 

  1. A new bill (by clicking Review & Save)
  2. Vendor credit
  3. Payment received
  4. Document

New document include: 

  1. Company
  2. Account
  3. Customer
  4. Invoice
  5. Payment received
  6. Vendor

Clerks can also add to existing items, such as: 

  1. Bills
  2. Vendor credits
  3. Vendor or customer documents.  

Note: A document can only be associated with one Vendor or Customer. If you have a document that needs to be associated with more than one, copies will need to be uploaded separately for each Vendor or Customer.

Creating a new bill

With a document in Inbox:

  1. Go to the Inbox.
  2. Locate the document.
  3. Click Review & Save on the top right.

Without a document in Inbox:

  1. On the Bills in the navigation panel, click the Enter Bill button on the top right.

Entering bill details

1. On the bill details page, enter information about the bill.

  • Vendor name – The company or person to be paid. If you do not see the vendor in the vendor drop-down menu, select [add new vendor].
  • Invoice number – Any numbers or letters to help the vendor identify the bill.
  • Purchase order number – If applicable
  • Payment terms – How soon the vendor expects payment
  • Invoice date – The day the vendor created the invoice
  • Due date – The specific date the vendor expects payment. This is filled automatically if payment terms were selected.
  • Amount of the bill
  • Bill description – Details about the product or service the vendor is invoicing.
  • Account and any other classifications - Details about the expense or other type of account applicable to the purchase or service received. Click “Add New” to add multiple expense line items.
  • Approvers – The people who need to approve the bill for payment
  • Notes – If applicable

2. Click Save. If the document is more than one page, select Include all remaining pages if they are part of the same bill.

Note: When you select a vendor, BILL AP will prepopulate fields based on the entries from the previously saved bill.

Fixing a denied bill or credit

Denied bills or vendor credits will appear in your To Do List and can be resolved.

  1. Click the link in the To Do List to fix the denied bill or vendor credit.
  2. Click the invoice or reference number.
  3. Review the denial reason to determine why the bill or vendor credit was denied.
  4. Click the Edit & Reassign button to make changes and resubmit the bill for approval or the More Actions link to delete the item.
  5. Save your changes and the Approver will receive a notification to Approve the updated bill.

Setting your personal email notification preferences

You can choose how often you would like to receive email reminders and alerts.

  1. Select settings.
  2. Select Email Preferences.
  3. Update the settings based on your preferences.
  4. Save your changes.
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