Your change management checklist

Follow these steps to fuel new technology success.

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It’s time to master change management to support successful, team-supported, client-satisfied technology adoption. At the heart of change management is your entire team, so including them early and keeping them engaged is critical. 

By following this checklist, you can better manage the change process and increase the likelihood of success firm wide.

Pre-rollout: Get ready and align

This phase lays the foundation for your overall plan, focusing on why this new technology is important, who can help accelerate adoption within your firm, and how you can scale. 

  • Define and communicate your "why" to the entire team. Help them understand the vision for the new technology and how it can support the firm and its clients. 
  • Tap into internal technology enthusiasts for help with evaluation and planning. They can identify new areas of consideration and share excitement. 
  • Set a timeline and goals for the project, including goals extending beyond the rollout. This way, you can keep the project on-time, help prevent going over budget, measure overall performance, and continue progress to goals.  
  • Define training needs. Your technology provider should have training programs, videos, demos, and more to help your team become familiar with the technology.
  • Create documentation for onboarding employees and clients. This way, everyone understands how to use the technology, while also ensuring consistency and scalability for service delivery. 
  • Recruit internal champions to support success at all levels. The key here is at all levels, as opposed to a top-down approach. That way, each champion understands how different team members use the technology and how to help onboard them. 

Rollout: Activate and evaluate 

Now that you have a plan, it’s time to roll out your new technology. Here’s what you should consider. 

  • Keep communications flowing consistently. Consider a mix of meetings, emails, and ways to offer feedback to create a successful roll out.
  • Partner with your software provider for resources and support. Your account manager has seen numerous other firms roll out this new technology. Reach out to them for advice and how to address common change management roadblocks.
  • Provide advanced training as needed, including certifications. Certifications help employees gain more experience in the product, boosting their confidence and preparing them for client questions. 
  • Rollout to clients and prospects. Many firms prefer to rollout to clients, which gives them time to perfect documentation and delivery. Then they’ll start actively marketing to prospects.  
  • Evaluate progress compared to plan. Check your plan to determine if you are on time and on-budget. Consider capturing other metrics to help illustrate your progress (for example, clients onboarded, employees trained, revenue earned, gained efficiencies, etc.)
  • Gather feedback from staff and clients. There’s always room to improve, and oftentimes you’ll find those opportunities through surveys, candid conversations, and team meetings. 

Post-rollout: Track and learn

The technology is up and running! Now you can focus on assessing results and building for the future.  

  • Track and communicate major milestones. Identifying these milestones will help everyone understand progress to goals, and give a reason to celebrate.
  • Analyze outcomes using data. Areas to consider include how many clients are  onboarded, how many more could be, revenue, and more. 
  • Use partner resources to encourage continued buy-in. Once more, your technology partner can help with demos, case studies, videos, and best practices on how to accelerate results.  
  • Build a culture of continuous learning. Learning is never “one and done," particularly when it comes to technology. Encourage employees to stay up to date on the latest technology provider news. New hires should have certifications built into their onboarding. Attend industry events to connect with other technology enthusiasts in the accounting community.  

Remember, change is driven by team members at all levels. Technology changes can be more successful if they engage everyone. By following this checklist, you can better manage the change process and increase the likelihood of success from top to bottom.

Next steps

Learn more about how BILL can help your firm navigate change and grow by requesting a demo.

For BILL customers, contact your BILL account manager. If you would like an introduction to your account manager, send us an email and we will connect you.

Learn more abouto how BILL can help your firm navigate change and grow by requesting a demo.

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