The Accounting Firm Growth Masterclass certification

Earn 19.0 CPE credits in this exclusive certification program for BILL Accountant Partners.

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The Accounting Firm Growth Masterclass with Jason Blumer offers 19.0 CPE credits and is a 19-module long, exclusive program created for BILL customers. The program provides a combination of in-depth teaching modules where Jason goes over topics such as pricing, building a CAS program, technology, firm growth ceilings and much more to help firms really learn what it takes to build a scalable firm.

We hear often from firms that they stall when it comes to adding clients to BILL because they haven’t aligned how to grow or scale their business, they’re not sure about CAS or the concepts of pricing services and scaling are tough to master. This program was built to help firms work through the pitfalls of growth and build a plan to achieve their goals.

When you take the full course and pass the quiz at the end, you will qualify for 19.0 CPE credits as well as a Firm Growth Masterclass certification badge to share on LinkedIn and other channels. The quiz includes 98 questions, the required amount by NASBA for a program of this size.  

To start the masterclass login to your console. Click on "Training", then "Advanced."

Click on "Start the BILL Certification Training."

The BILL Academy will open. Here is what the Firm Growth Masterclass course looks like in the BILL Academy under "Available Certification Courses."

To read through descriptions of each section and session, take a look at this overview.

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