Setting up the BILL Client Management Console

Your BILL Accountant Console is client central, where you tell us which services you offer your clients. Here’s how to set up your BILL Accountant Console.

Table of contents

Your BILL Accountant Console is client central. This is where you tell us who your clients are, which accounting services you offer them, and how you want to bill them. The Console is designed for easy access to and management of multiple BILL clients or companies.

The Console access is included with the Accountant Program and offers: 

  • One-click access to each client account
  • Task lists by client
  • Client account administration
  • Billing management
  • Staff administration
  • Access to training and certification for accountants
  • Access to the Accountant Resource Center
  • Firm logo setup
  • Unlimited demo accounts

Set up your Console

Before you set up your first client, spend a few minutes setting up your Console with a few details that will take advantage of your console features.  

Add in your logo 

When you add your logo to your console, clients see your logo at the top of each page and our logo moves to the bottom right corner.  Here's how:

  1. Hover over the gear icon , and then click Logo.
  2. Under "Where's Your Logo?" click Choose File to locate the logo on your computer.
  3. Click Upload Logo.

Customize the URL where your clients log in

You can also add your logo to a customized URL for your clients to log in to  Here's how to get the URL.

  1. Go to the same Logo page (gear icon and then click Logo). 
  2. Scroll down to "Create a login URL with your logo" and enter the name of your company (or a variation of your firm's name), with no spaces.
  3. Click Save. 

Save the URL that you're provided and use that for your clients. 

Enter team members' information and what their permissions are

Your console is where you can set staff members and permissions on what they are authorized to do. 

This help article explains how to

  • Add a team member to the console 
  • Add a user to a client account, including adding a single team member to multiple accounts or adding multiple team members to a single client account.
  • Edit a console user's role in a client account.
  • Remove team members access to client accounts

If you have more questions or would like to learn more about the Accountant Console, please visit our Help Center or contact your BILL account manager.

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