The best topics to cover when training your staff on BILL Spend & Expense

These are some of the most important topics to cover when holding a BILL training for your staff.

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An important aspect of running a CAS practice is making sure that you and your staff are well versed in the latest CAS resources and how to use your firm’s tech stack. Holding regular training sessions with your staff will help them keep their minds sharp and help them effectively use all the resources your firm has at its disposal to provide great experiences for clients. Your training sessions can cover anything from CAS strategies to the latest accounting news to an overview of the tools in your tech stack. These are some of the most important topics to cover when training your staff on BILL Spend & Expense.

Helpful Resources

How to use BILL Spend & Expense

Start by making sure your staff have a complete understanding of how the BILL Spend & Expense software works. This will prepare them for calls with their clients so that they appear knowledgeable and can answer any questions.

You and your staff can go through our to get an overview of how to use BILL Spend & Expense. For a more in-depth training, contact your account manager and schedule a demo with them. The walkthrough is always good to keep on hand for future reference.

How to refer clients

Once a client is ready to switch, your staff should be very familiar with the next steps and their role in those steps. They’re simple, but each step can take anywhere from a couple of hours to a couple of days—it just depends on the client’s business. The client will have to apply for a line of credit from BILL, and once they’re approved they’ll go through the implementation and onboarding process. Our step-by-step referral guide goes through the entire process in detail, so it’s the perfect resource to show to your staff in training and for them to reference afterward.

How to have conversations with your clients about switching to BILL Spend & Expense

Starting conversations with clients about switching to a new expense management solution can be daunting for your staff—we know they’re not credit card salespeople! Going over opportunities to refer clients to BILL Spend & Expense and offering guidance on how to respond to common concerns can build your staff’s confidence and motivate them to hold discussions with more clients.

This topic is also a great candidate for its own dedicated, recurring training session at your firm. You can have some of your staff talk about conversations with their clients that went particularly well—or maybe not so well. Your staff can discuss how to improve their conversations or how to adopt best practices. You can also split up your staff into pairs so they can practice with each other.

How to use the Accountant Resource Center

We have included resources in this guide to help you build a training session that will empower your staff. But it’s just a small portion of what is available in the BILL Accountant Resource Center.

The resource center has many tools to help you build your firm and CAS practice, how to market your services to your clients, how to discuss services with your clients, and more—both for BILL AP/AR and BILL Spend & Expense. We have a collection of webinars, ebooks, checklists, and content from other accountants like the ones at your firm. Take your staff on a tour of the Accountant Resource Center to familiarize them with the different types of content available to them and where to find them.

Whether you’re just barely introducing BILL into your firm and this is your first time training, or your staff has been using BILL Spend & Expense for a while, these topics and strategies are good for your clients to always have at the top of their minds. Your staff will come away from these training sessions feeling more confident in their strategies for providing CAS and holding conversations with their clients.

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